Sep 8, 2013

Yarns and ribbons

Impossible not to have an eye to yarns in Finland. Almost always when I set my foot in Helsinki I visit a yarn shop  Menita near the Design Museum. Usually I don't have anything special in mind, I just like to enjoy the atmosphere and colors of the exquisite selection of mostly natural fiber yarns. This time I had no time to go to the shop, but luckily in the biggest supermarkets in Finland there is also a great selection of Novita yarns.

Other fantastic shop is Luhti in Rovaniemi. From there I always go and buy some carpet rags. The difficulty is to buy a correct amount of something that you actually have only thought of doing, because if you then need more material it is almost impossible to get the same material here in Spain. Of course you could order via internet etc., but it always gets tricky when you are just lacking some color and for sure you wouldn't get yarn from the same dying set.

Here are the materials I bought this time and later, hopefully soon, I can share what I finally have done with these things.

Ribbons & yarns

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