Nov 10, 2011

Mango versus Mango

Logotype changes or modifications in the look of packaging is always interesting. Usually the the first impression, at least for me, is that "why did they changed it as the old one was good enough". Well, the old one was good enough and you liked it simply, bec you were so used to it...

One of the latest companies to change the logotype has been the Spanish clothing company, Mango. The Catalan firm, has had a neat, soft logo for ages, since the creation in 1984, and this autumn they have modernized it. My first opinion about the new logo was that it was a bit too steely, that the old one was more soft and human maybe, but now when I have seen the design applied in shops and paper bags of Mango I start to like it.  It is more actual, I have to admit it, and more suitable to the "fashion for the young, urban woman", that the company is searching. According to me, Mango's style is kind of business chic, stylish, but casual office wear.

Other thing which is fantastic is their Que me pongo? -section. What a great idea to shoot small series of working ladies wearing the firm's clothes. I am hooked to the mini series and I have already bought some items of the latest collection, just bec I saw the clothes in the clips and the information about the clothes was so easy to achieve. I am a victim of good marketing...

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