Feb 27, 2014

More granny's squares

I made this scarf actually before the blanket. The story was that in 2012 I was planning to sent the yarns to my mum so she could crochet this scarf for me. Give her something to do basically. Unfortunately my mum passed away before I got to do this so finally I made the scarf by myself and it took quite a while. Last year I had it ready but didn't use it not even once. My plan was to buy a jeans jacket and wear it with that but until now I haven't bought the jacket. The one that I would like to have from Pepe Jeans has never been in sales and I find 145 eur a bit expensive for a jeans jacket. Anyway this year I bought a wool coat from Mango and it pairs well with it. I also have a military green parka and these granny's squares fits that too.

The yarn is Drops Alpaca, 100% pure alpaca from the best yarn shop "All you knit is love" in Barcelona.

Feb 16, 2014

A good old Grandma's square

As a like handicrafts I was delighted to do a blanket to my baby. Nice to do crochet and have a purpose for it. Crochet is nice, but many times I find it hard to imagine something useful to do. Well, this time a blanket was more than welcome and as it is for a baby its not too big so pretty fast to finalize. As I like old things, vintage etc. a good old granny's square was a perfect pattern to do. Color inspiration I got from an old Gloria magazine where there was a picture of one big blanket. The yarn is "7 veljestä" from Novita bought already in summer from Finland. Unfortunately the yarn has 20% of polyester in it, I would have preferred 100% wool, but as they had a great selection of colors I decided to accept the polyester as otherwise I probably wouldn't have made the blanket. This was an easy option this time.

The final blanket

Color options for the blanket