In the first quarter of this year happened many things; back to work with 2 different jobs, a lost of a close family member, renovations in my flat...many things, maybe too many at a time, but as you cannot choose how the life goes you just need to cope with it. And that is also why my postings have been on hold.
But now I cannot be without commenting the admirable Lana Del Rey. I love her songs and aesthetics. She is unique and her art is beautiful. I know she has been a phenomenon over the internet for the past, what; half year or even more, and last autumn I did read about her. It was her name that captured my attention; Lana Del Rey and her beautifulness. As I am not especially interested in music I didn't pay too much attention, but the name stayed on my mind and it has been impossible not to notice all the praise she has created. It was only when I saw her
Born To Die music video on MTV I had to find her from Youtube. She is fantastic.
Her videos remind me of Nancy Sinatra, Chris Isaac's
Wicked Game and a bit of Frida Kahlo's abundant&colorful world. She describes her own style as "Gangster Nancy Sinatra" and yes, it suits her.
I am not a fond of any Vogue, but had to buy the issue of March of British Vogue as Lana is on the cover. Oh so wonderful the cover this month!
Born to Die, Lana Del Rey
Blue Jeans, Lana Del Rey